Deckmaster KitW/1-in Deck Scrw 100 Pk Powder Coated
Item Number: DMP100-100

When using the DeckMaster fastening system, all fasteners are hidden beneath the deckboards. There is no surface penetration of the deckboards or joists. With DeckMaster, there are no exposed screws at primary entry point, which means no holes to collect moisture and cause deck board damage. No stains or splinters form around fastener holes.

Benefits of the DeckMaster powder-coated brackets:

  • 50 Year Warranty
  • ACQ Compliant
  • Outstanding corrosion resistance.
  • Powder Coating’s natural wood color blends with the understructure of balconies.
  • No metal shine between the deck boards.
  • Spray painting the top of the brackets is eliminated.

Deckmaster KitW/1-in Deck Scrw 100 Pk Powder Coated

When using the DeckMaster fastening system, all fasteners are hidden beneath the deckboards. There is no surface penetration of the deckboards or joists. With DeckMaster, there are no exposed screws at primary entry point, which means no holes to collect moisture and cause deck board damage. No stains or splinters form around fastener holes.

Benefits of the DeckMaster powder-coated brackets:

  • 50 Year Warranty
  • ACQ Compliant
  • Outstanding corrosion resistance.
  • Powder Coating’s natural wood color blends with the understructure of balconies.
  • No metal shine between the deck boards.
  • Spray painting the top of the brackets is eliminated.


Bit Tip:LOX 2

Package Type:Count Pack